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Install Octo CLI

Octo CLI is available as source code or a pre-compiled binary,You can download pre-built binaries for Linux, macOS, and Windows on the releases page.

Homebrew install instructions

On macOS or Linux, you can install Octo CLI via Homebrew:

  • Install the tap via
$ brew tap octoproject/octoproject
  • Install octo-cli
$ brew install octo-cli

Verifying the Installation

After installing Octo CLI, verify that the installation worked by opening a new terminal session and typing octo-cli you should see help output similar to the following:

$ octo-cli                                                
Expose data from any database as web service

  octo-cli [flags]
  octo-cli [command]

Available Commands:
  build       Build function Docker container
  create      Create a new service
  deploy      Deploy a new service
  help        Help about any command
  init        Generate service configuration YAML file

  -h, --help   help for octo-cli

Use "octo-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.